This poem is by Leslie Norris, In the poem the poet very beaut full describe the contrast between tiger in the zoo and tiger in the Forest its natural habitat. The poem starts from the zoo then moves to forest and back to the zoo, during this of pen the post well describes the agony and helplessness of the tiger. the poet well tried to explain how he could be emotionally when he was/or could be free in the jungle, but unfortunately he caged by human for there own fun and empowerment .

From the first stage its well clear that the tiger was in the zoo and the words like STALKS and RAGE describes the feeling of the tiger.

He stalks in his vivid stripes

The few steps of his cage,

On pads of velvet quiet,

In his quiet rage.

Vivid strips means long bright narrow bands

Look the first stanza its telling the body texture of the beautiful tiger .with his beautful body texture he was talking a few small steps in the cage as the cage was small for his size ( meaning of the second line), on his soft pad which does not make any noise while he walk which help him to catch his prey noiselessly .The figure of speech used in "On pads of velvet quiet is Metaphor , he was moving with suppressed anger as this point of time he was helpless

Word Meaning from stanza first


The most important OXYMORON is used in Quite Rage

Now the poet is just describing when he was not confined in the cage, then he was free do what ever he wants to do in the forest like ; catching his prey, drinking water from ponds , sitting/waiting for his prey , hiding behinds long grasses.

He should be lurking in shadow,

Sliding through long grass

Near the water hole
Where plump deer pass.

Word Meaning

. Lurking = to hide, Plump = soft,chubby, sliding = to move softly quickly ,

The poet sketch the figure , when he was in the forest , in his natural way he would hide himself behind long grasses near the water holes like river ,pond. To catch his prey like deer, but he was he in the zoo he could not live his natural way of life.

He should be snarling around houses

At the jungle’s edge,

Baring his white fangs, his claws,

Terrorising the village!

Word Meaning ; Snarling: warning sounds made by animals, Baring: uncovered Fangs: Sharp tooth of animal.

If the tiger was free, then he would make a loud noise near the village or outskirts area of forest , to mark his presence, and by showing his sharp teeth he would scare the villagers by showing white canine and paws but unfortunately he was in cage where his life was listless.

But he’s locked in a concrete cell,

His strength behind bars,

Stalking the length of his cage,

Ignoring visitors.

Word Meaning ; stalk = to look

The deep plight condition of the tiger was shown here , where the writer says , unfortunately he was behind the cell by human and his ferociousness is behind the bars and he can't do any thing now. He was not enjoying that life so he was not showing any interest towards the visitor as he could not terrorize the visitors, so he was just looking the bars which was now his destiny.

Personification is used for the tiger by word "HE"

He hears the last voice at night,

The patrolling cars,

And stares with his brilliant eyes

At the brilliant stars.

WORD MEANING ; Patrolling - to guard,

how the poet describes the moment of night where the tiger listen the sounds of patrolling car, which used to guard at night. the lines

And stares with his brilliant eyes

At the brilliant stars.

shows the emotions of the tiger and the hope,The hope of that day when comes out from that zoo . Stars are used to show some hope and brilliant eyes represent some hope here. With the help of stars poet takes a sketch of nature or forest which depicts the deep emotions of the tiger to be free but due to human lust these innocent animal have to pay the cost .

In the next we will go through the questions and answers of this poem