FIRE AND ICE CBSE Class 10 English


Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.



Fire and Ice is a Apocalypse poem ( the end of the world). Its always a point of discussion that how the world will end how the evolution will took place, recent discussion makes out the out come like Nuclear Disaster, Climatic change, Cynicism, Water Dispute and other theories. People always interested in knowing the dark hidden theories , the discussion and the poem is the out come of our curiocity. Forst at some point between the present and revelation added his own idea  to mix the out come Fire and Ice.

According to the poet ‘fire’ stands for desire, greed, avarice or lust. The more you try to satisfy them, the more they grow. There is no end to it. These all grow like a fire in the woods which has a capability to engulf ones whole life to an end. Where as Ice describe coldness, which means when one become feeling less for other, which we are in this so called modern world .The rate of crime is witness of this all.

“Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice”

The first two line shows the discussion of the group that the world will end. Destruction is always the main interest  of human kind . Negative always attract first.In modern sense fire and ice can stand for nuclear wr and climatic change also.

FIRE AND ICE two different things two different words shows as two different version of human thought.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate



In the above two lines poet shows his perception that , fire as metaphor for desire, lust. When fire is in control like fire of lamp its useful to enlighten the path but when the fire become uncontrolled it causes destruction when our small desire become big then it would be harmful for the society. Human are impulsive which will lead to down. Today we don’t have any control on our desire , anger , needs for luxurious life greedy values are too high on that basis poet favour the fire the cause of destruction  

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.

On the opposite hand of Fire there is ice , here ice used as metaphor to represent coldness, emotionless . Which help the people to become unsocial. And it’s hard to survives isolated, as we all learn and read that human are social animal, sharing and caring ......... , the day is not far when we forget all these theories. The potentiality of ice is too high without society social animal can’t survive.


1.   According to the poet, what do ‘ice’ and ‘fire’ symbolise?


Ans. According to the poet ‘ice’ symbolizes hatred, coldness and rigidity and these human cold emotions and lack of love are destructive enough to remove the warmth of fire and destroy the world. Fire symbolises unlimited wishes and desires of human beings like violent feelings of anger, cruelty, brutality, etc., that might end the world.


2.  The poem is a _________, put across by the poet.

A. powerful warning
B. heartfelt apology
C. earnest appeal
D. vengeful threat


3. Pick the option that is NOT TRUE about the poet according to the extract.

The poet

A. is inclined to believe that the world would most likely end with fire.
B. has heard divided opinions about the way the world would end in all likelihood.
C. preaches love and kindness to combat the spread of hate among all.
D. declares the power of ice to be as destructive as that of fire.


4. Identify the most likely tone of the poet in the lines:
‘To say that for destruction ice/Is also great’

A. sarcastic
B. serious
C. amused
D. celebratory


5. Fire” is a metaphor for-
A. desire
B. dislike
C. distaste
D. revulsion


8. “Ice” is a metaphor for-
A. hatred
B. love
C. esteem
D. admiration


9“Some say the world will end in fire”. Identify the poetic device.
A. Alliteration
B. Assonance
C. Antithesis
D. Anaphora

10. But if it had to perish twice 
     I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great

 (a) Who has composed the above lines ?
(b) According to the poet ‘ice’ symbolizes
(c) What does the word ‘perish’ mean in the above lines
(d) What does the poet think ?


. (a) Robert Frost has composed the above lines.
(b) According to the poet ‘ice’ symbolizes hatred, coldness and rigidity.
(c) The word ‘perish’ means ‘cease to exist’ or die.
(d) The poet thinks of hate.



