A Tiger InThe Zoo Question Answer

 Important Question and Answer 

1.What the tiger will do in the forest?
A. The tiger will enjoy complete freedom in the forest, he can walk freely in the forest ,free to catch his prey. Able to create his fear i.e his power will no more bounded by the cell . 

2.Why the tiger was in Quite Rage?
A. As he was helpless in the cell and can't do any thing and not free like as in forest ,so his anger was subpressed within him.

3.The tiger should hide to himself–
(i) in a jungle
(ii) in shadow of long grass
(iii) in shadow of tree 
(iv) behind the wall 
Ans. ii

4.Where does plump deer pass by? 
Ans. The plump deer passes by the water hole.

6. Where should the tiger be snarling?
Ans. The tiger should be snarling at the edge of jungle.

7. Where was the tiger locked?
Ans. The tiger was locked in a concrete cell.

8. ‘He stalks in his vivid stripes.’
Who is meant by the ‘He’. What is meant by ‘vivid stripes’?
Ans. The ‘He’ means the Tiger. The stripes are the contrasting lines on the body of a tiger.

9What is there at the jungle’s edge’?
Ans. There are houses and villages at the edge of the jungle.

10 What is the last voice heard by the tiger at night?
Ans. The last voice heard by the tiger at night was the sound of the patrolling car. 

11. How does the tiger look at the stars? 
Ans. The tiger stares with bright eyes at the bright stars.

12. How would you explain the line, “Baring his white fangs, his claws’?
Ans. The line gives a description of the tiger’s behaviour while it wanders near the villages at the edge of the forest. It goes on showing its sharp teeth and hook like nails used to prey on animals.

13. ‘Terrorising the village’. Who terrorises the village and when?
Ans. The tiger terrorises the village when it wanders near the village at the edge of the forest.

14. Why should the tiger be lurking near it?
Ans. Because deer came there to drink which would provide the tiger with the chance to prey on.

15. What is a water hole?
Ans. A water hole is a small pond like water source that provides water to the thirsty wild animals.

16.What has been personified in the poem?
A) tiger
B) forest
C) zoo
Ans . Tiger

17.Name the poetic device used in the line “In his quiet rage”.
A) metaphor
B) assonance
C) Oxymoron
D) Consonance

18.Name the poetic device used in the line “He stalks in his vivid stripes”.
A) metaphor
B) assonance
C) Oxymoron
D) Consonance
Ans. D

19.- Name the poetic device used in the line “On pads of velvet quiet”.
A) metaphor
B) assonance
C) Oxymoron
D) Consonance
Ans A

20. Name the poetic device used in the line “Baring his white fangs,his claws”.
A) metaphor
B) assonance
C) Oxymoron
D) Consonance
Ans D

21.By “ignoring visitors”, what is the poet trying to say?
A) tiger knows his power is restricted
B) there is no use of showing rage
C) he is less terrorising because of the cage
D) all of the above
Ans D

22. What described “tiger in a jungle”?
A) Locked in concrete cell
B) his strength behind bars
C) ignoring visitors
D) baring his white fangs
Ans D.

23.What do you understand by `His strength behind bars’? What kind of a cage is he locked in?

Answer: The tiger is wretched in its cage. His power is confined behind the bars. He was locked in a small cage where he is devoid of freedom. He feels unhappy, frustrated, restless and angry.

24. Is it safe to allow tigers to live in their natural habitat these days?

Answer: Although it is ideal for tigers to live in the wild, today, it will mean certain death for them. Fast diminishing jungles and danger posed by poachers have pushed tigers to the brink of extinction, making their natural home unsafe.

26.What is the theme of the poem?
What message does the poet want to convey through the poem—Tiger in the Zoo’?

Answer: The poet wants to convey that it is cruel to keep wild animals in small enclosures of the zoo, away from their natural habitat. They feel angry, helpless and unhappy and remember their life and environment in the forest.

27.How does the tiger terrify the villagers?

Answer: The tiger prowls around the houses of the villagers. He terrifies them by snarling at them. Their houses are situated near the jungle. He terrifies the villagers by baring his fangs and showing his long claws.

28.He hears the last voice at night, The patrolling cars, Who hears the last voice and of what?

Answer: The tiger hears the last voice Le, the sound of the patrolling cars at night. He is imprisoned in a cage at the zoo. The patrolling cars are making a round of the zoo to see that everything is alright.

29.Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:

1. He stalks in his vivid stripes
The few steps of his cage,
On pads of velvet quiet,
In his quiet rage.

a. Who is ‘he’ in the above lines?
b. Where is he?
c. Where and how is he walking?
d. In which mood is he? Why?
a. He’ in the above lines is the tiger.

b. He is in a small cage.

c. He is walking in his cage slowly and quietly with firm strides in a proud manner.

d. He is angry because instead of moving freely in the forest, he is confined to a small cage.

30.He should be lurking in shadow,
Sliding through long grass
Near the water hole
Where plump deer pass.

a. Where is the tiger hiding?
b. Who is going to be his prey?
c. Why should he be lurking in shadow?
d. What is the rhyme scheme of these lines?

a. He is hiding in a shadowy dark place in the long grass.

b. A fat deer who will come that way to drink water is going to be his prey.

c. He should be lurking in shadow to attack the deer who comes to drink water at the water hole.

31. He should be snarling around houses
At the jungle’s edge,
Baring his white fangs, his claws,
Terrorising the village!

a. The poet says ‘He should be ….’, which means that he is not doing it at present, so where is he and what is he doing?
b. Where should ‘he’ be?
c. Where is he snarling around houses?
d. How does he terrorise the villagers?
a. He is in a village showing his white teeth and claws. He is terrorising villagers.

b. ‘He’ should be in the forest.

c. He is snarling around houses at the jungle’s edge.

d. He terrorises the villagers by showing his sharp teeth and claws, and by growling.